"Having the ability to now keep our data year after year for our customers is a great tool."
~ Chris Skorupa, Beartooth Fertilizer, Inc.

Find out how companies like yours use AgTerra products to simplify their mapping, record keeping and reporting activities
“MapItFast has been fantastic to use. We really enjoy working with AgTerra. We will definitely be using this product again in the future. We are hoping to have the same program next year and I would recommend MapItFast to anyone who is tracking or collecting waypoints or any kind of data collection in nature.”
~Sarah Anderson, Crook County Natural Resource District
"This sets me apart from my competition. The automated reports and maps are appealing to clients and have helped me land a couple of new contracts this year. I have enjoyed working with AgTerra and look forward to growing my business with them."
~ Kyle White, Acacia Forest Products
"Managing the maps and data from all the contractors is easy and convenient. We were able to accomplish all of this at a fraction of the cost of other systems."
~Jeremy Dedic, Wyoming State Forestry
“We've been really happy with AgTerra and their customer service, the quality of their parts, their response time...I don't have anything but good things to say about their customer service.”
~ Paul Pardini, City of Richland
More Testimonials
"In addition to being good software and having a lot of capabilities technology-wise, we’ve found AgTerra to be exceptional to work with. They have good people, they’re responsive to our needs, and they’re trying to adapt their technology to what we need."
~ Pat Bresnahan, Sinner Bros. & Bresnahan's
"We've tried several different products out there in the past, but none of them offer the ease-of-use and the synchronization that MapItFast did...regardless of the type of device our guys carry, the system always seems to work."
~ Mike Metzger, Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative
"MapItFast is so much simpler and easier to use than the Trimble and ArcPad system we were using before. We use it about all the time we are in the field. I like the simplicity and being able to see what you've got while you are mapping. I know immediately that I've got it mapped. There's no complicated uploading. Everything auto uploads so I have maps I can print immediately."
~ Larry Walker, Chaffee County Weed Dept.
“The product has been very user friendly and we have not had many glitches. When we have had needs or concerns, the AgTerra staff have been very prompt in their responses whether it is servicing our units, tracking down issues, replacing existing equipment or discussing issues. The staff has been outstanding with regard to customer service.”
~ Gerald Lunak, Blackfeet Tribe
“We rock and roll with MapItFast – it really works. We put a tablet in everyone’s truck and they just pull up the maps and get to work.”
~ Troy Osborn, Osborn Industries
"We’re now beginning to use the rest of their products, the MapItFast and Strider to the extent they were intended to be used, and we know that’s going to make our business that much more efficient and hands down, more profitable."
~Sean Dickens, Dickens Weed Control
“Why I like SprayLogger so much: [the crews] go out for the day and put in the weed types they’re going to spray and they just spray. They can change the types at any moment…The best thing is I get a composite map at the very end showing exactly where they sprayed, where they didn’t spray... I can print off a map, give it to landowners, and they know exactly where we were and what we did.
~Luke Sander, Sheridan County Weed & Pest District
"Our State Ag Inspector recently came to check our records and he was very impressed with AgTerra's system. It's really made our life a lot easier."
~ Jamen Windish, Barnes County Weed Control
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